Customer Specific Support
Customer Specific Support FAQ:
Q: How do I request the password for my company?
A: Please send an email to Intrepid Support from your company email address. We will reply back a little later with your password.
Q: I see my company listed. Can anyone at the company have access to the page, or is it reserved?
A: The only requirement is that you have an email address specific to the company whose web portal you are trying to access.
Q: My company does not seem to have an account listed. Why?
A: For companies where special revisions or products need to be delivered efficiently, Intrepid Control Systems has established a customized web page. Due to the specific nature of these documents, access is controlled.
Q: The password that I’m entering does not work. Why?
A: Remember that passwords are case sensitive. Also, please verify the password by emailing ICS support; from time to time we may update or change passwords without notification.
Q: Whom do I contact if I have a problem with the web page?
A: Please send all requests to ICS Support.