
Gateways and Prototyping

Why Gateway Networks?

Gateways are essential in modern network architectures. They enable data transfer between ECUs or networks with different physical layers, such as Automotive Ethernet and CAN FD. Developing and testing early gateway prototypes can be expensive and time consuming, requiring significant effort both from the OEM and software supplier. What if you could create a prototype gateway without the need of any code, using your existing databases? The power of Vehicle Spy messages editor and gateway builder makes it possible with just a few clicks.

Vehicle Spy Gateway Builder for All Engineers

Intrepid Gateway Builder provides a fast, robust and higley flexible utility allowing you to bridge data bidirectionally between different networks, including CAN, CAN FD, LIN or Automotive Ethernet. Configuring gateways couldn’t be easier with the drag-and-drop functionality of Vehicle Spy Gateway Builder.

Gateway Control

The advent of the Intrepid Gateway Builder signifies a monumental shift in how automotive networks are developed and managed. With this tool, the barriers to efficient and effective gateway configuration are significantly lowered, enabling a broader range of engineers to contribute to advancements in automotive technology. By simplifying the process and making it more accessible, we’re not only speeding up development times but also fostering innovation within the industry.

Key Heighlights : 


  • Create gateway prototypes effortlessly using existing databases, without any need for coding.
  • Easily configure gateways with a user-friendly interface.
  • Compatible with CAN, CAN FD, LIN, and Automotive Ethernet, offering wide applicability
  • Reduces the development cycle, cutting down both time and costs associated with traditional methods.
  • Designed for engineers at all levels, democratizing access to advanced network bridging capabilities.

Key Functions & Features of Gateway Builder

Data Routing

Data Routing

Data routing through our gateway tools enables seamless interconnectivity, permitting ECU data to be distributed across multiple, varied physical networks such as CAN to Automotive Ethernet. This feature is pivotal in prototype vehicle integration, effortlessly linking different network types, streamlining communication among diverse ECUs.

Modify Data

Modify Data

Our gateway tools enable signal modification and mapping across different network types and software levels, adapting signal locations and engineering units for seamless integration. Additionally, our configurable gateway excels in Fault Injection testing, enhancing network analysis and diagnostics.



After completing development, your prototype gateway can be smoothly integrated and run within our hardware tool chain, ensuring efficient and timely data handling across CAN, CAN FD, LIN, and Ethernet networks. This deployment caters to the demanding needs of diverse physical layers, providing reliable and prompt data processing.

Filter Messages

Filter Messages

The gateway builder offers the capability to selectively filter messages, allowing you to block specific data from being transferred across the network. This feature is invaluable for testing vehicle software and diagnostic systems under conditions where certain data is absent, providing insights into system resilience and response.

Compute and Logic

Compute and Logic

Our software has a wide range of mathematical and logical operations, managing gateway functionality and enhancing signal processing, including checksum calculations and the addition of new messages.

SDV Prototype Validation

SDV Prototype Validation

Our gateway builder tool enhances the validation process of Software-Defined Vehicles (SDV), by enabling efficient management of network interactions and ECU communications. Its versatility in handling complex data scenarios is crucial for thorough testing of SDV prototypes, ensuring they meet the high standards of modern vehicle technology. Accelerate your development process with our rapid prototyping tools, designed for the agile world of SDVs.
