neoOBD 2 PRO
Open Platform OBD Interface for Automotive Enterprise IoT- 4x CAN FD
- 1x SW CAN
- 2x LIN / K-Line
- 1x Ethernet: DoIP/XCP
- Open Wi-Fi and BLE MCUs to host your automotive IoT applications
- Intrepid’s secure API provides complete access to all vehicle network data from Wireless MCUs
- Intrepid IoT SDK for Wi-Fi MCU with examples available for AWS IoT, Microsoft Azure IoT and IBM Watson IoT
- General purpose engineering tool for OBD, enabling a wide array of applications such as data logging, simulation and gatewaying
- Prototype new cybersecurity solutions for vehicle networks
- Unique dual-OBD connector architecture
- Supports ELM327 protocol emulation
The neoOBD 2 PRO is designed to be an open platform wireless OBD adapter. It is equipped with programmable Wi-Fi and Bluetooth BLE modules, and also has a Bluetooth Classic SPP module. You have complete access to raw vehicle network data within these modules, via secure APIs that interface to Intrepid’s proven CAN, LIN, and Ethernet drivers. You have the ability to provide the vehicle network data over Wi-Fi, Bluetooth BLE, and Bluetooth Classic SPP to other wireless and mobile devices.
- OBD 2 interface to Wi-Fi, BLE, and SPP mobile devices
- OBD 2 interface to automotive IoT platforms and custom servers
- Wireless data logger
- Secure OBD gateway for OEMs
- General purpose engineering tool for OBD
The SimpleLink™ Wi-Fi® CC3220SF Wi-Fi module inside the neoOBD 2 PRO is compatible with popular IoT platforms, such as AWS, Microsoft Azure IoT, IBM Watson IoT, and any other platforms and servers based on secure protocols such as HTTPS, SSL/TLS and MQTT. Examples and tutorials are available to help you get started with your next automotive IoT project.
Vehicle Spy Application Software
Intrepid’s Vehicle Spy software fully supports the neoOBD 2 PRO. With Vehicle Spy, users can monitor and transmit on all neoOBD 2 PRO networks simultaneously. Vehicle Spy is required to configure standalone mode. Users can take advantage of the powerful interface to load databases and to write and debug scripts before downloading them to the device.
Standalone Logging, Scripting, Gateways and Simulation
In addition to working as a PC interface, the neoOBD 2 PRO can operate in standalone mode. It can run real-time scripts, log data to internal flash memory, and simulate ECUs and gateways. These features also make it possible to run a script to reflash ECUs using data from flash memory.